International Observe the Moon Night

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This October 1st from 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm Beautify Cambria will host International Observe the Moon Night!

The space-themed event will be an opportunity to join a global movement centered around observing the wonders of our night sky and learning about lunar science. Beautify Cambria will provide refreshments, put on a silent auction, and allow access to powerful telescopes for moon & stargazing.

David Breda, the lead engineer on the James Webb Telescope at NASA’s JPL, will speak at the event. He will give a presentation about the project and display some of Webb’s most spectacular photographs on a big screen. He’ll also share about the upcoming Artemis mission to the Moon!

Proceeds will support Beautify Cambria’s Dark Skies Initiative, which is seeking to reduce light pollution and gain Dark Sky designation for Cambria.

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