Harry Farmer Endorses Debra Scott and Michael Thomas

0.8 min readViews: 306Comments Off on Harry Farmer Endorses Debra Scott and Michael ThomasPublished On: Wed Oct 19, 2022Categories: Government, Other Local News


Harry Farmer and The Cambria Currents Team are proud to support Debra Scott & Michael Thomas in the upcoming CCSD Board Election! Watch the video to hear what he has to say about these outstanding candidates.

We believe that Debra & Michael are truly accountable to the people of Cambria. If elected, we are confident that they will be unwaveringly committed to protecting our community’s best interests. They have our full endorsement, and it is our hope that they can count on your votes!

Any residents or businesses interested in displaying campaign signs to help spread the word, please contact Debra & Michael together at [email protected] and [email protected]


We also encourage everyone to tune in this Thursday, October 20th from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm for a Virtual Candidates Forum hosted by The League of Women Voters of SLO County.

About the Author: cambriacurrents

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